Important Updates for WCMS: 1. No school Monday!! 2. Fall sports pictures will be taken on Tuesday. All student athletes need to bring their uniforms! Order forms were sent home this week. If you do not have a copy, please ask your coach for a digital copy. They were sharing them on each team page. 3. If your child rides the bus, please have a conversation with them about proper bus behavior. Review the rules of good bus behavior. There should be absolutely NO food or drinks on the bus. All students need to remain seated at all times. Our bus behavior needs to improve and we ask your help to make that happen! 4. Home sporting events will now cost $6.00 at all Wirt County sporting events. 5. Wirt County High School is offering an all sports pass for $200 that will allow you admission to ALL HOME WCMS and WCHS athletic events. If you are interested in purchasing that pass, please contact the high school. (304-275-4241) 6. School picture day is Friday, September 29th. 7. All test scores from last year went home this week. If your student has been absent this week, please have them check in the office when we return next week. Have a great weekend!
over 1 year ago, Gayle Hickman
We are pleased to announce that students who took the West Virginia General Summative Assessment in spring of 2023 have their results! For help understanding the papers sent home this week, please check out our website or call us at 304-275-3977. To find helpful documents on our website, please go to the parents tab and then current parents and click on the highlighted link. If your student has been absent this week, please have them stop by the office and get their results from Mrs. Hickman. Results of students new to WCMS will come from their former WV school.
over 1 year ago, Gayle Hickman
Test Data information
Just a reminder that WCMS Open House will be tomorrow, Tuesday, August 15th. Come see us between 3:30-6:00PM! Get your schedule, meet your teachers, and ask questions! Doors will not open before 3:30. We are looking forward to a great year!
over 1 year ago, Gayle Hickman
Time for Golf practice to start! Any 6-8th grader interested in golf, please read below. Anyone interested in playing, there will be a meeting at 6pm on Thursday under the pavilion at Mingo Bottom Golf course. Or you can contact Ryan Dotson at 304-488-4678
over 1 year ago, Gayle Hickman
Wirt County Middle School Open House will be Tuesday, August 15, 2023 from 3:30 - 6:00PM. Our Wellness Center will be on hand for vaccines and even well child/dental visits if they are needed! Please make plans to attend!
over 1 year ago, Gayle Hickman
In accordance with West Virginia State Health Requirements, students entering the 7th grade for the 2023-2024 school year are required to have: • A dental exam by a dentist • A well child/physical exam by a doctor or medical provider • One dose of TDAP Vaccination • One dose of Meningitis Vaccination The dental exam and well child/physical exam must be completed within the 12 months prior to the first day of school in August 2023. If your child has had a recent well child/physical exam and/or dental exam, please ask their doctor/dentist to provide you with proof that you can bring to the school. Wirt County Schools Wellness Center is also open this summer and able to perform well child/physical exams as well. You can call to make an appointment at: 304-275-3117. If you have any questions, please contact the school nurse at 304-275-3977. Sincerely, Kelly Goff RN-BSN Wirt County School Nurse
over 1 year ago, Gayle Hickman
Time for sports physicals! The Wellness Center will be providing FREE sports physicals the entire month of May! Please call to schedule a physical at 304-275-3117.
almost 2 years ago, Gayle Hickman
Free sports physicals
FINAL UPDATE!!! Wirt County Schools are now CLOSED on Tuesday, April 11.
almost 2 years ago, Gayle Hickman
As a reminder, Wirt County Schools is asking for parent participation in the WV Student Learning Environment Survey. The survey is completely voluntary. Although we value your opinion and hope you will participate, you may choose not to, or to not answer any question on the survey you do not want to answer. Also, you are not asked to provide your name or any other identifying information. Schools will be sending links and login information specific to the primary center, middle school, and high school. If you have children in more than one school, you're invited to complete the survey for each school. Please complete this survey by April 7th.
almost 2 years ago, Wirt County Schools
Wirt County Schools is asking for parent participation in the WV Student Learning Environment Survey. Knowing how you feel about your child’s school is an extremely important part of improving schools. The survey is completely voluntary. Although we value your opinion and hope you will participate, you may choose not to, or to not answer any question on the survey you do not want to answer. Also, you are not asked to provide your name or any other identifying information. Schools will be sending links and login information specific to the primary center, middle school, and high school. If you have children in more than one school, you're invited to complete the survey for each school. Please complete this survey by April 7th.
almost 2 years ago, Wirt County Schools
Our sixth grade wax museum is tomorrow! Please come check out our projects from 2:00-2:45! Please enter through the front doors of WCMS. We will have sign in sheets available at the main office.
about 2 years ago, Gayle Hickman
It is time to sell pretzel rods! Please make sure you send back the permission form so your child can sell if you wish!
about 2 years ago, Gayle Hickman
Exciting news! We are starting our school-wide fundraiser this month and will be selling chocolate covered pretzel rods. The money raised will be used to support our school through PBIS, our general office fund, and teacher appreciation. This will help us pay for fun activities, trips, and rewards! The students are excited to begin and permission forms will be coming home soon! When they are sent, we will post a copy here as well! Thanks in advance for your support!
about 2 years ago, Gayle Hickman
Just a reminder that all bus/pick up/walking notes need to be called into the school BEFORE noon unless it is an emergency. Thanks so much for your cooperation!
about 2 years ago, Gayle Hickman
Time to buy yearbooks!
about 2 years ago, Gayle Hickman
WCMS students will be walking over to the Wirt County High School auditorium tomorrow for a presentation from the G Force Strength Team. Please make sure your child has a coat or sweatshirt.
about 2 years ago, Gayle Hickman
🚨Drop Off and Pick Up Reminder🚨 The front loop is closed to all traffic EXCEPT bus traffic from 7:30 - 7:45 AM. Please drop students off out back or in the gravel lot. Also, please remember that school does start at 7:50 AM at WCMS. Of an evening, parent pick up students are dismissed at 3:10 from our back doors. Please follow the line of traffic to wait for your child. It is a quick process! :) Please call the school if you have questions.
about 2 years ago, Gayle Hickman
Mrs. Harrison is starting to do some fundraisers for our library! Water bottle stickers will be available for sale soon and we will also be having a book fair from February 13 through the 17th. Stickers are two stickers for one dollar. They will be on sale through the end of the book fair!
about 2 years ago, Gayle Hickman
Fifth graders were able to talk to Chris Harris the CEO of Humanity Matters of New Zealand on Friday. Chris spoke of his work with the Holocaust and his travels all over the world as well as some of the famous people he has had the pleasure of meeting. Most importantly, he spoke of being an upstander and choosing to do the right thing. Students were also able to ask him questions and enjoy the funny stories Chris had to share. It was an amazing opportunity.
about 2 years ago, Gayle Hickman
Today, 5th graders heard of the hope filled dreams of Anne Frank and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Mrs. Good challenged each 5th grader to perform a Random Act of Kindness. If students can prove to her on Tuesday that they performed a RAK, they will earn a special treat.
about 2 years ago, Gayle Hickman
Martin and Anne