Board Members

Daniel Metz, Board President

Darren Shearlock, Board Vice President

Mark Lowe, Member

Luke Moore, Member

Brent Stewart, Member



Assigned Organization as Representative

Brent Stewart- Committee on Aging

Luke Moore - Wirt County Schools Wellness Committee

Mark Lowe - 4-H Extension Service

Darren Shearlock - Wirt County Educational Trust Fund


Board Goals

Goal 1

Ensure all students graduate from high school with a world-class education, Pre-K thru 12, who are career and college ready.

Goal 2

Improve safe and supportive school environments which meet the physical, social, emotional and academic needs of every child.

Goal 3

Improve organizational effectiveness through promotion, recruitment, and retention of a highly skilled workforce focused on strong instructional leadership.

Goal 4

Develop extensive and meaningful parent and community relationships where we communicate regularly and often with all stakeholders though data management systems.

The Wirt County Board of Education is dedicated to supporting a district with a primary purpose of improving student learning.  The Strategic Plan of the district outlines the mission, core beliefs and vision through detailed action steps and strategies for implementation toward these goals.  The vision of Wirt County Schools is to provide a set of educational opportunities that challenge and support student learning. 

Goal 1

Ensure all students graduate from high school with a world-class education, Pre-K thru 12, who are career and college ready.  (Vision:  On our way to Graduation Day.)


  1.      Graduation Rate is at or above 90% by 2020

  2.      Students are College and Career Ready

  3.      Grades 3-8 demonstrate ELA and Math Proficiency at or above state trajectory for growth.

  4.       Student reach grade level reading proficiency by the third grade.

Goal 2

Improve safe and supportive school environments which meet the physical, social, emotional and academic needs of every child.


  1.        Increase attendance rates

  2.        Increase Wellness factors

  3.        Increase the percent of students with no discipline referrals.

Goal 3

Improve organizational effectiveness through promotion, recruitment, and retention of a highly skilled workforce focused on strong instructional leadership.


  1.      Educator Growth

  2.      Substitute Utilization

  3.      Teacher Effectiveness and Rewards

  4.       Teacher Leadership

Goal 4

Develop extensive and meaningful parent and community relationships where we communicate regularly and often with all stakeholders through data management systems.


  1.        Student Leadership and Student Voice

  2.        Superintendent’s Advisory Group

  3.        Communications

  4.        Parent Leadership