What you need to start the process:
Contact Wirt County Schools and speak with Mr. John McKown, Superintendent, regarding your interest in becoming a substitute.
All Professional Substitute applicants must hold a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited College or University.
Transcripts need to be sent from the College or University directly to Mr. John McKown, at jmckonw@k12.wv.us.
Go to wveis.k12.wv.us/certportal/ and complete the information requested.
Go to wvde.catalog.instructure.com/browse/substitute. Select initial Substitute Permit Candidate or Substitute Renewal Candidate.
Click "Register with D2L" next to "WV Initial Substitute Permit Emergency Training (Canvas)" for new substitutes or "WV Substitute Renewal Emergency Training for WV Educators (Canvas)" for renewals.
Once the substitute training has been complete, submit a copy the certificate of completion to Mr. McKown.