Please take approximately 10-15 minutes and help us with our data! Use the link below to complete our parent survey for the WVDE. This survey does not request your name or any other identifying information.
Survey login code: P094301
You may also use the QR code to complete the survey.

Tomorrow is the LAST day to turn in permission forms for the March 18th PBIS Reward trip. We still have several students missing forms. Students must turn in their permission form and their $3.00/cleaning supply donation first thing in the morning near the main office.

Permission forms for the March 18th WCMS PBIS Rewards Trips went home today with students. Forms are due back by March 12th! 7th/8th graders will choose from bowling or roller skating and 5th/6th graders will be roller skating.
COST: To help those in the southern part of our state affected by recent flooding, we are collecting cleaning supplies. To participate in the trip, students are asked to donate ONE cleaning item or contribute $3 to be donated to the Wirt Volunteer Fire Department to purchase cleaning supplies. We will be attaching positive, encouraging messages to the supplies before they are sent to those in need.

The 5th grade popcorn and cotton candy orders will be at school on Monday! Just a reminder students need to pick up their orders and deliver them.

Our students spent January and February reviewing our school wide expectations during their advisory classes. Students then worked collaboratively to create images and videos showcasing positive behaviors and expectations. A winner from each grade was chosen and we want to share those with parents! We encourage parents to ask your child about the WCMS ROCKS expectations and what it means to them while giving your child a chance to earn LiveSchool points!
This weeks featured winner is Mrs. Romage's 5th grade class.
🌟If you comment on this post with your child's first name and last initial and one HALLWAY expectation you and your child discussed, your student will earn 5 LiveSchool points for parent involvement!

8th Graders interested in Cheer at WCHS next year, here is a fantastic opportunity! On March 21st, WCHS is hosting early Cheerleading sign-ups. During the event, parents and students can meet the coach and find out what to expect for the upcoming year. For more information you can contact coach Megan Bunner or call WCHS.

5th Grade Popcorn & Cotton Candy Fundraiser orders will be here Monday, March 10th! Students need to pick up their orders and deliver them.

Ski trip kiddos should return around 7:30 PM. Please pick up students in the front loop. We will update when we get to Glenville.

Our WCMS FBLA students participated in Read Across America Week by reading to students at the Primary Center.

Coplin Health Systems and Project AWARE are hosting a self-care hobby night on March 13th at 6:00 p.m. at Wirt County Primary Center. Space is limited! Call Andrea Bailey at 304-275-4279 to register.

The final week of our WCMS One Book One School activities are now available! Students who turn in their activity to Mrs. Good by Friday, March 7th, get to choose from prizes like a hat pass, LiveSchool points, and first in line to lunch. Check out the activities below and visit https://fb.watch/xC16qnQlvO/ to hear about reading strategies from Mrs. Good.
📖Grade Level Books:
5th Grade - Walk Two Moons
6th Grade - The Fourteenth Goldfish
7th Grade - The Honest Truth
8th Grade - Fish in a Tree

WCMS students have until March 7th to qualify for our 3rd nine weeks PBIS reward trips. On March 18th, qualifying 5th and 6th grade students can go to Skate Country while 7th and 8th graders can choose between a trip to Skate Country or Pike Street Bowling. To qualify, students must have zero unexcused absences, 2 or less classroom warnings, and 60 LiveSchool points to purchase a ticket for the reward.

Reminder! The WCMS LSIC meeting is tomorrow, February 28th at 1:30 p.m. in the middle school library. Join us before you stop by to see the wax museum at 2:00 p.m.

Just a reminder, all 6th grade students will be participating in the Wax Museum tomorrow, February 28th, from 2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Students are to bring their costumes and anything else they need for their exhibit with them to school in the morning. Presentations will be set up and ready to view beginning at 2:00 p.m. All visitors must report to the WCMS main office to sign in. Students may not be signed out before 2:45 p.m. and must be signed out in the main office prior to leaving the building.

Congratulations to Kate Dotson for receiving start-up funding for her project she submitted as part of the "Time for Change" challenge. Kate's project is focused on spreading positive messages through inspirational artwork. With her funding she was able to purchase canvases, paint, brushes, stencils, and mounting tape. Her team has been hard at work painting canvases that feature uplifting messages. The next step is to hang them up around the school to be a positive reminder for the students, staff, and visitors. Kate is in the running to get additional funding for her project, which is pretty awesome, but we think the work she has already done is truly something to be proud of.

Sweeten your week and support WCMS 5th grade! Our popcorn and cotton candy fundraiser is wrapping up, with orders due this Friday, February 28th. There are 13 flavors to choose from and each bag is $10. If you don't know a 5th grader and would like to place an order, you can call WCMS at 304-275-3977.

Our WCMS One Book One School activities are now available for week 3! Students who turn in their activity by Friday, February 28th, get to choose from prizes like a hat pass, LiveSchool points, and first in line to lunch. Check out the activities below and visit https://fb.watch/xC16qnQlvO/ to hear about reading strategies from Mrs. Good.
📖Grade Level Books:
5th Grade - Walk Two Moons
6th Grade - The Fourteenth Goldfish
7th Grade - The Honest Truth
8th Grade - Fish in a Tree

Have doctor's notes you forgot to send in to us? Feel free to email them to sdharris@k12.wv.us! You can also send in parent notes you may need to write.

Wirt County Schools are now closed today, February 20th, 2025.

Wirt County Schools will be on a two hour delay on Thursday, February 20th, 2025.