Enjoy your three day weekend. We look forward to seeing all of our students again on Tuesday, November 12, 2024.
If you have a child in special education, CHECK THIS OUT !!!!!
Would you like to have someone who will listen to the concerns you have about your child’s education?
Do you have questions, and need someone who will listen?
The West Virginia Advisory Council for the Education of Exceptional Children (WVACEEC) would like to hear from you.
The WVACEEC is a group of individuals from across the state that gather throughout the school year to listen to the concerns of parents, families, and community members regarding the education of exceptional students, and shares those concerns with the WV Department of Education (WVDE), the WV State Board of education (WVSBOE) and others.
You are invited to a non-threatening, open forum meeting where you can share your story and hear about things that are going on in special education.
You’re invited to meet with us in person on November 14, 2024, at Wood County BOE
1210 13th Street, Parkersburg, WV from 6:00-8:00 pm, or November 15 from 9:00-noon.
If you are unable to meet with us, or prefer to share your story privately, please click the link below.
https://tinyurl.com/4hfp53bn (click here to share your concerns)
We value your input and appreciate your interest.
The WV Advisory Council for the Education of Exceptional Students (WVACEEC)
Dawn Embrey-King, Executive Director
No school tomorrow. Be sure to vote and spend time with your children!
The WV Universal Pre-K Program Review Online Parent Survey is designed for parents to provide parental input regarding the county pre-k program. Parents are asked to complete the survey as part of our county’s WV Universal Pre-K Program Review. The survey is accessed by going to:
http://wvde.state.wv.us/forms/prek-parent-survey .
You can also access the survey by scanning the QR Code with this message.
If you cannot access the internet to complete the survey, a paper copy can be provided to you. Please contact your child’s teacher for a paper version of the survey.
Thank you for your feedback!
Get the Tea Tuesday continues with another member of the Wirt County Primary Center staff who also happens to work with students at the other schools in Wirt County.
Our Lost & Found is OVERFLOWING with hoodies! Please be sure to check the rack while you are at school attending Fall Parties. We have a lot of wayward items waiting to return to their children.
We have some upcoming days off from school . Be sure to VOTE, THANK a veteran, and ENJOY time with your child! ❤️🤍💙
PTO Meeting TODAY (Monday) in Mrs. Vannoy's Room
As parties begin, please be aware that we have a number of foster students in our school. By law their photos and names can't be publicized in the paper or on social media for their safety. We ask you to not take photos while you are in the classrooms/school as children and/or their names may be on display. Thank you for your assistance & cooperation in protecting our children.
Next week is a busy week at the Primary Center. Can't wait to see everyone!
As a reminder, bus notes need to be called in by 2 pm. Please do not call after 2. Also there is no smoking on school property including the parking lots.
Please join us for our Literacy Night for kindergarten through 2nd grade families on November 7 from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Sign ups are due tomorrow, Wednesday, October 23, 2024, so we have enough goodies for everyone in attendance. Hope to see you there!
Tomorrow at 5 pm we will have our LSIC and PAC meeting at WCPC. LSIC stands for local school improvement council. PAC is Parent Advisory Council. Come join us Tuesday at 5 pm.
Enjoy your three day weekend! We look forward to seeing our students again on Tuesday, October 15, 2024.
We would love to have you attend our Local School Improvement Council Meeting/Parent Advisory Council Meeting all rolled into one! Your input is important to making our school environment the BEST that it can be! What are your thoughts and ideas? Come to our meeting and share them.
3rd & 4th Grade Parents & Guardians!
We have an event just for your families!
We ask that you try to arrive at 5 pm if possible, so you can participate in all of the stations. Registration forms were sent home in students' folders. Please send them back ASAP if you are attending. This is a family event, so students will need to attend with an adult. Events for the lower grades will be coming.
We are going to start doing something new on our Facebook to "get the tea" or learn more about a teacher or staff member in our building. We are starting by getting the tea on our Principal, since October is National Principals' Month.
The annual Penny War is coming up later this month! Start looking in the couch cushions and your car now for those lost and forgotten coins!
Don't forget that Pajama and Hat Day is tomorrow! Bring a $1 and dress or hat up!
Volunteer and help us make this Holiday Gala the BEST ONE EVER!
PTO is sponsoring a Pajama & Hat Day on October 8. Bring a $1 to school to wear pajamas and hats on Tuesday.