Fall Parties are this week!
Students are NOT to bring or wear costumes for their parties. 2 Adults per child & tickets are required.
Wednesday Parties - PreK and K at 1:30 pm
Thursday Parties - 1st & 2nd Grades at 1:30 pm
Friday Parties - 3rd & 4th Grades at 1:30 pm

Don't forget that tomorrow is Popcorn Day!

Scentsy orders are in!!! Stop by the school today to pick yours up!

Don't forget! Kindergarten and 3rd Grade Dinosaur Presentation TODAY at 1:30pm!

We are seeking donations for our annual basket auction. Please turn in donations to the school by November 4, 2022. Thank you for your support!

Mickey Mouse Week

Read Aloud

Trunk or Treat Information!

REMINDER: No School for Students on Monday, October 10, 2022!

October PTO Newsletter

Mrs. Daughtery brought a replica dinosaur kit to the 3rd grade classrooms for students to learn more about the dinosaurs. This kit included 15 dinosaur models and life size replicas of dinosaur teeth and claws. Students were fascinated and anxious to read more about these features.

Mrs. Daughtery, from the high school, visited Mrs. Dawson's class last week. Mrs. Dawsons's class visited a Virtual Dinosaur Museum using VR goggles. They entered 10 different exhibits and learned many facts about dinosaurs.

Due to financial practices that go against our state laws, we will not be having the Book Fair 📚 We are currently looking for other vendors!

In honor of WV Service Personnel Appreciation Day, WCPC students and staff would like to thank all the service personnel who make each day brighter with all of their hard work and dedication. You are all AMAZING!😊

Picture Day Tomorrow (9/22/22)!

Hat and Pajama Day

Don't forget! School Picture Day is Thursday, September 22.

Ms. Dixon's & Ms. Walters' classes will be hosting Dinosaur Project Presentations for parents on Wednesday, September 21 from 4-5pm.
Cute dino pic courtesy of vecteezy.com

Wednesday is Music Genre Day! Dress your kiddos in clothing that represents their favorite kind of music.

West Virginia Public Broadcasting will be streaming “A Celebration of Excellence in Education” on September 13, at 6 p.m. All county winners for both the Teacher and Service Personnel of the Year programs will be recognized virtually during this event. Please share the link out to friends, family, and colleagues.
The West Virginia Teacher of the Year Program recognizes teachers of excellence and connects them with a network of other equally inspirational and innovative educators. West Virginia has long been recognized as one of the states with the oldest and most consistent Teacher of the Year programs in the nation. The West Virginia Board of Education’s School Service Personnel Employee of the Year recognizes outstanding education support personnel for their contributions to their schools and communities. The program honors individuals who have demonstrated exceptional skill and dedication in the performance of their jobs, thereby earning them the respect and admiration of students, teachers, administrators, coworkers, and parents.